Chagdud Gonpa Foundation (CGF) is part of an international network of centers whose origin is Chagdud Gonpa in Tibet, a monastery founded in the 15th century. Established in 1983 by Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche, CGF offers teachings and meditation practices from the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhism.
Precious Echoes Practice includes reading the Heart Sutra and the meditations of Concise Red Tara and Chenrezig. Precious Echoes Practice is open to everyone.
Tsok will be offered using the ‘Shower of Blessings’ sadhana by Mipham Rinpoche. No empowerment is required for this short and beautiful practice.
The T’hroma-based practice of Chöd removes obstacles, both for our short-term happiness and those hindering our ultimate enlightenment.
Precious Echoes Practice includes reading the Heart Sutra and the meditations of Concise Red Tara and Chenrezig. Precious Echoes Practice is open to everyone.
Lama Padma Gyatso will lead three days of Padgyal Lingpa’s terma of Red Vajrasattva and Padmakilaya, followed by three days of HH Dudjom Rinpoche’s terma of Vajrakilaya, The Razor that Destroys at a Touch.
Following the example of Guru Padmasambhava and many superb lineage masters, we perform Vajrakilaya to overcome outer, inner, and secret obstacles to dharma practice and activity. We apply the skillful means of wrathful compassion to our own minds.
The fasting ritual practice is an easy yet powerful means to clear away obstacles to physical and mental well-being. It brings the practitioner to the essence of the supreme secret of Avalokiteshvara, the compassionate expression of all buddhas.
Chagdud Gonpa Foundation upholds the core tenet of Mahayana/Vajrayana Buddhism, that the basic nature of all living beings is pure wisdom-awareness.
A crew from the watershed center in hayfork, an environmental non-profit have begun working on fuels reduction and forestry management on the gonpa lands and will be here for another 2 weeks.
Amazingly, we have arrived at our destination! It has been almost a year since the fire destroyed the Rigdzin Ling water system and it has now been fully rebuilt.
The Restoration Committee has begun working with conservationists and government agencies on repairs and for advice on the long-term restoration of the land.
The Restoration Committee has begun working with conservationists and government agencies on repairs and for advice on the long-term restoration of the land.
The Restoration Committee is dedicated to planning, funding, and organizing efforts to nurture and renew Rigdzin Ling immediately and for the next 100 years. We invite you to join and offer your donations.
By offering a butterlamp, you are making a symbolic offering of wisdom. Just as light dispels darkness, the lamp represents the removal of ignorance so that you and all beings can attain the wisdom of enlightened mind. Butterlamps are offered every day and on sacred days at several centers.
Chagdud Gonpa Rigdzin Ling is a non-profit organization that aims to maintain and propagate the Dharma. Your generous offering supports the conditions for the maintenance and expansion of Rigdzin Ling's facilities, infrastructure and sacred structures.
Audio teachings for people looking to learn more about Buddhism.
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Sounds and sights to support your practice.
Practice texts and prayers used at CGF centers and practice groups.